As a group we want our music video to really connect with our target audience, as well as looking as professional as possible. Nonetheless to get a unbiased view on how well/professional our music video looks like we played the video to around 20 people. These 20 people were made to write down what was good and bad about it.
In reviewing the feedback we received we highlighted all the points that was commonly said, for example
'She doesn't always seem like she is singing'
The lip-syncing was commonly mentioned by our peers, they underlined the fact that in several points in our music video it look like she was either singing faster or slowing than the song. Another point which was commonly mentioned was the lighting.
'Too dark'
Reviewing our music video we noticed that there was many clips in which the lighting was too dark.However there were a few good points which was consistently said:
'Good acting from main girl'
It seemed like many of our peers really enjoyed the way in which our main girl acted, which is a very positive sign because it means that our target audience (those who have been in similar situations) could relate with her (those who haven't) would have sympathy for her. Another positive point which was repeated a lot in our feedback was the costume used.
'Good costume'
Overall from our feedback we have concluded that there are major changes that need to be done to our music video. These changes include the lighting - possibly using the artificial light more than natural light. Additionally adding in more clips with the main guy to in order for our target audience to understand that they are dating.
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