Saturday, 2 March 2013

Animatic For Our Music Video - Construction (Seun)

Jessica and I had left Sath and Prince in charge of the animatic and this is what they came up with. I felt that this was successful because that got the shot in time with the lyrics and I felt that the shots were carefully thought out.

This is what they got up to behind the scenes:

To begin with, Prince and Sath started watching the official music video for our song choice 'Adorn'. As they were watching the music video, they wrote down the different shots and angles in the music video.

  They wrote down every single shot that was used in the entire music video and the length of each cut. By the time they had finished the entire song, they had a couple pages of shots to group and analyse.

After they had all of the shots, they started analysing them to show which shots were most used and how effectively they was used.

Once they had analysed the different shots used in the actual music video, they started to write down shots for our own music video.

Once the shots were written down, they drew them out so we can put them onto our animatic.

Once they finished the drawing, they had uploaded them onto the computer and cropped them out into smaller pictures of each individual shots.

Once all of that was done, they opened up 'Final Cut Pro' and inserted all of the pictures and the song.

Once they had all we needed onto final cut, they started putting pictures onto the timeline according to the song.

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