- Who would be good at tracking shots?
- Who would be good at pans?
- Who is skillful with handheld cameras?
- Who could be good at filming long shots?
- Who would be best for editing the footage?
- The positions to hold the camera, to achieve certain camera shots?
All of these questions we were able to determine the answer for by our practice filming. Due to the schedule of lessons we were force to split up into two groups (Seun and I, Prince and Sath). Taking in turns each person had an opportunity to film using several camera angles and shorts.
Seun and I mainly focused on the opening scene (the staircase scene), We took several takes, approximately 8 different takes till we felt the opening scene was good enough. By taking the several clips, Seun and I found that Seun was more skillful at tracking shots and POV shots than I, as well as how we should record the opening clips.
Being the opening scene it must not only by eye-catching but of good quality, therefore practicing filming the opening scene we thought must be essential For example we learnt in order to create a smooth, crisp tracking shot our artist would need a step ahead on the staircase, and whoever is taking the shot approximately two steps behind. One issue that came to our attention is the POV shot; due to not having the expenses to use high-tech equipment such as a crane our artist would need to know how to hold the handheld camera, along with what position would create a smooth POV shot. Having a high-tech equipment such as crane would help us avoid the issue of our artist knowing how to handle a handled camera. Nonetheless from doing the practical with Seun, we learnt that our artist would need to be bent quite forward to avoid her/his knee from dominating the footage. (Photoshop jess)
In this clip below you may notice a few things (which we hope you could ignore) such as the fact that we have used two different shoes, this is because (as mentioned earlier) Seun is better at positioning herself to get a clear, smooth POV shot.
Here is short footage of our practice shot - put together using final cut.
(insert image)
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